I put together a board with 9 prints for this man's wife, then later just made a collage of the 9 images. I was concerned about the reaction I would get for several reasons. One, the 3 paintings on the top row were done by different artists, and the 6 in the lower 2 rows were self-portraits. As art, I had an impression that the artists of the top row were (subconsciously perhaps) painting someone else and using this man (lower 6 images) as the model for their visions.
The second issue was whether I would get a bad reaction for the edits I made to these images of the original art, since I felt that the photos I had made didn't quite fit together aesthetically. So I did a few slight rotations, croppings, color and contrast adjustments etc., until I could paste up all 9 without having any one image/painting commanding much more attention that any of the rest, more or less.