A sad day for jazz fans - for anyone who loves music; he really was a giant.
Interestingly, as he pointed out in the interview to which you refer, he also was a great lifelong fan of photography and a bit of an equipment junkie. He told Michael & I that when he was on the road so much in the Fifties & Sixties, he used to book an extra room in the hotels the group stayed in so that he could set up a darkroom - that 'kept him out of mischief' he added with a twinkle.
In the past few years, Oscar Peterson was often to be found keenly looking over the latest cameras at the camera dealer Vistek here in Toronto - sitting in his wheelchair in front of the camera counter.
He was also a very charming man and very generous of his time. He will be sorely missed.
Addendum: Michael has suggested that we put the interview up as a free download for those interested. Here it is. CS