I keep seeing posts about the 40D and the 5D MKII, etc. Before any of that comes out....Canon needs to stop and fix the 1D MK III.
I just experienced the issues myself firsthand with a 1.10 version camera and can say it's an ugly phenomenon. Sometimes it is dead on and other times I have to wonder what the hell the camera thought it was tracking. I haven't done any scientific testing regarding percentage of accuracy but I would say that what I have seen online is generous as the majority of my AI focus shots seem to be off. Usually the first is fine and MAYBE 1 other in a series of 6-10 are on, the rest are off badly. AI was sometimes off on my MKIIN but the older camera was FAR more accurate than this.
In single shot mode, the camera seems to do fine. In AI, it is unusable.
Canon really needs to address this and pretty soon. In the meantime I am shooting only in single shot mode. If you're waiting for a MKIII, keep waiting.