Yeah, well the problem with that of course is that while Chris can shoot, his image simply refuses to appear on screen. Must be something of the vampire in him, don't ya know?
Actually Chris is a really fun guy who always has his eye stuck to the camera (at least that's the way I envision him from the trips to Antarctica) or sitting and copying from tape to hard drive (in the bar on board the ship). I actually have a lot of shots OF Chris but the problem of getting Chris on tape is that he's always got hold of the darn video camera and tends to growl like an elephant seal if anybody messes with his gear.
It would be fun to see Michael interview Chris...when they travel, they behave like two old English women-constantly sniping back and forth. Chris still has a cultured English accent (even though he's been in Canada for 40 years) and always sounds brilliant...(I said "sounds", Chris).
It's always great fun to work with the two of them...and yes, it is a lot of work.
The other thing that Chris is really good at is making Michel and I sound like we know what the heck we're talking about by very careful editing...