OK, I see I'm getting to this topic a little late (better late than never, right?), but having watched Camera to Print last night, specifically, Chapter 12: Resolution....
At 00:01:04 we see a 1Ds image with dimensions of 16.933 in x 11.267 in @ 240 ppi....
At 00:03:41 Jeff opens up an uprezzed image with dimensions of 33 in x 21.957 in @ 246.303 ppi...
While the first image is at native resolution and the second is at interpolated resolution, both fall within Resolution's Sweet Spots of 180-480.
So what happens, say, if you wanted to print that first image as an 11 x 17? Using the same 1Ds file as an example, do I change the width to 17 (making sure resample image is unchecked), resulting in a height of 11.311 @ 239.059 ppi, thus maintaining native output resolution, or do I uprez to 17 @ 240ppi, opting instead for interpolated resolution?
I am printing to an Epson 7800 and in some cases a 9800. I thought the Epsons preferred a file that was at one of the "magic" numbers of 180, 240, 288, 360, or 480? If so, wouldn't that make the point of native resolution moot, since you'd end up having to up/down rez to get files to one of 5 magic numbers?