I'm really sorry to hear that it didn't sell well, but I'd really encourage you to try it for at least one more issue. I'm sure a number of people bought the downloadable version, before knowing the DVD version would be available. Also, there were a number of us (myself included) that were your beta testers, that likely would have bought it (I know I would have).
I have both the downloadable version, and the DVD version of LLVJ16, and there's just no way I'm going to be happy with the downloadable versions. The image quality is just not good enough, and I really don't enjoy watching 2.5 hours of video in a little window on my computer screen.
I'd also like to point out that the main problem you have (other than your slow internet connection to post the files) is that your store software doesn't allow 4.1GB files to be downloaded. If it did, a single ISO file would be trivial for you to create, and for subscribers to download and burn.
I foolishly converted my DVD subscription to coupons for downloadable files. I'm really regretting that decision now. I have no intention of downloading anymore low quality video files.
If there is not going to be a downloadable DVD option made available, then I would like either my 6 download coupons converted back to 3 DVDs by mail, or my money refunded.