[font color=\'#000000\']An unanswerable question, suitable only for long and tiresome debates, imo.
The longer I photograph, the more I realize what a "lie" it is. I don't mean that in a perjorative way. It's just that I see more and more clearly that photographs, FoundView or otherwise, almost never tell "the truth", and when they do, the photographs are usually dismissed as being "boring".
Look around in your world, say, on the drive to work. Now go surf photos at photo.net (for example). How much of the visual word we all live in is represented at photo.net? 1%? 5%? Not more than that.
One could easily argue (and some have) that only the snapshot is "true". That all photographs that are taken with artistic intentions are "lies".
See, told ya it was a question suitable only for long and tiresome debate. :)[/font]