Ever since deciding to provide a FlashViewer Plugin for the
phpCrazySite for the purpose of embedding Flash based applications like SimpleViewer and AutoViewer - photographers are finding many more uses for it - - - - including embedding Flash Movies made with David Jay's ShowIt Program.
Here is one such photographer who has even made the ShowIt navigation controls have the same colors and look of his CrazySite website:
www.wulfphotography.comWhile different ones are creating their own menu page to open up the flash movies within the display area of their website, I am currently planning on a FlashViewer Plugin with Menu down the left side so that a Gallery of Movies can be accessed. When that is released it will be a download for all those with registered copies of
On one other thread a photographer asked "IF THE GREEN TV HAS TO STAY?"
Different photographers are making their own graphics to blend the Login/Logout button into the colors of their website. Here is an example where a more subtle raised pink button shows at the bottom left for logging in instead of the green TV: