If that's the sensitivity of the red channel for white (full visible spectrum) light, then it is not atypical at all. Most CFA cameras are 40 to 60% as sensitive to red as to green, with blue usually in-between.
The only thing odd is that this camera has almost no IR filtration, which is usually the cause of low red sensitivity.
Still, the red QE of this sensor is eggregiously low compared to other Kodak FF CCD's with micro-lenses:
KAF-10500: 17% R 40% G 32% B
One of similar vintage, same pixel size, also with off-set micro-lenses:
KAF-31600: 37% R 43% G 36% B
The slightly older one in the Leica R back, of same size and pixel pitch as the KAF-10500
KAF-10010: 34% R 40% G 36% B
The older one with smaller pixels in the Olympus E-300 and E-500:
KAF-8300: 33% R 40% G 33% B
The far older one in the Olympus E-1 withe the same pixel pitch as the KAF-10500:
KAF-5100: 31% R 34% G 31% B
Every other one has about twice the red QE as the 17% for the KAF-10500.
But indeed the graphs on page 12 of the spec. document [a href=\"http://www.kodak.com/ezpres/business/ccd/global/plugins/acrobat/en/datasheet/fullframe/KAF-10500LongSpec.pdf]http://www.kodak.com/ezpres/business/ccd/g...500LongSpec.pdf[/url] confirm it, and make me think that this was deliberate, a consequence of an attempt to avoid the need for an IR filter by effectively doing it in the CFA filters. I say that because the KAF-10500 sensitivity curves are extended far further into the IR than in the specs for other Kodak FF CCD sensors (to 1100nm instead of 700nm) and show a long flat tail of very low IR sensitivity, where with many other sensors, sensitivity picks up a bit at some point in the near IR, even in the B and G channels.
So maybe