Well, I just upgraded to Gigapixel 7 yesterday. I ran a comparison to the 6.3 GP and 7 is clearly better. Seeing this post today, I tried the same image on Photo AI. It was a tight crop of an old shot of a cathedral ceiling fresco in Italy. Enlarged 3x from about 1500 px long dimension to 4500. I am trying to post a screenshot of 100% crop of part of the image (can't see it on preview so I will just hit post). It shows very clearly that PAI is better. I did not do an additional sharpen on the GP.
On a side note, GP 7 does not install well on a lot of people's Windows machines. Rather, it installs and then doesn't open. Lots of complaints and advice on the Topaz site about this. Apparently Mac users have no problems. You have to delete all old versions, go into Regedit and remove all traces of Gigapixel and reboot. Do this a couple times and it may load and run. This was Topaz advice and worked for a lot of the people writing in and complaining including me. Some said it did not work for them. Given the results you can see here w PAI, if you already have PAI and NOT GP, I wouldn't tend to pay for it. YMMV,