This just turned up in my inbox.
A guy writes to my office claiming to be a models agent and requesting a copy of her model release, claiming she’s lost hers. I last worked with her 5yrs ago.
We both signed the semi standard ASMP style release.
You should note this guy contacts me via an iCloud account, no phone number, no address.
I initial write to the model, saying ‘some guy’ is claiming to be your agent, if he is let me know, if not, be careful.
I then reply to ‘this guy’ saying that he could be anyone and until I hear otherwise, I deal directly with the model.
This obviously hit a nerve with him as his long reply goes into a rant and saying if I don’t supply a copy by such and such a date, he will get his legal team involved…!
The way I see it, he has no legal right to ask me for anything. She hasn’t written saying he is acting for her so until she does, I’ll file it.
If she wants a copy of her release, fine.. but she needs to contact me first.
Anyone had similar experiences. Or have any advice..?