Please clarify: The SX70 camera can use the "Impossible" film produced for the SX70 camera---that Polaroid film, color or bw is rated at ASA 160.
With a "modification" to the camera, Polaroid 600 film, asa 640, color or bw can be used in a SX70 camera , however, after a modification to the camera for this particular film, the camera can no longer use the SX70 film (160).
My question is: Does the 600 films produce a "better" color than its counter partner, likewise the BW tonal range in the 2 films.
My understanding is that the 600 films are more abundant for various still existing cameras where as the SX70 films are not as common, restricted to the SX70 camera, hence my questions. Are the 600 films producing more color saturations, better colors, better BW than its slower counter partner, the ASA 160??
Thank you