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Author Topic: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.  (Read 1619 times)


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Given:  Landscape where 90%+ end up as B&W.  Fuji GFX 100s with 24 and 32-64 lenses.  Also have 100-200 but never seem to use it.

Latest Photo Shop RAW to Tiff, usual adjustments and work on in layers (Overlay - Fill 50% Gray) with Multiply and Screen for Burn and Dodge - I do a LOT of that to get the "drama" the way I want.

I never seemed to warm up to Lightroom - got nothing there that I don't have in PS

Capture One:  I find their RAW to Tiff to be a bit better than PS for some images.  And their "sliders" for conversion to B&W work fine.

BUT I really dislike their Library concept - just seems cumbersome and foolish for a single topic photographer like myself.

When I come back from a days shoot I built the following folders:
          Tiff from RAW
          Master Adjustments
               Print Files

That all I need to build on my external drive.

Am I the only one still annoyed by the Capture One file handling complexity for just landscape work?

B&W - some times I'll have 3 different B&W layers for one image and use of Multiply and Screen is all I use."
I have not found C1's way to accomplishing this to be user friendly or logical to myself.
Am I missing something?

I have been hoping to get out of the Adobe trap of months subscription.
I tried DxO 3 - was not impressed, upgraded to 4 - ditto and then today to 5.  A waste for my kind of work and I'm done with them.  Feels like business model like a Chinese menu where you need to add the RAW converter, the Elite upgrade, then Silver EFX, effects packages, etc.   I'm done with them.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2022, 08:38:33 pm by Lust4Life »


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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2022, 08:58:04 pm »

Since your post is almost entirely regarding raw processing software, you may get more responses if you post this in the Raw and Post Processing section.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 02:18:42 am by TechTalk »
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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2022, 09:52:07 pm »

Actually it is as much about file/resource management, the way that PS uses to do my burns and dodges.
Also a little bit about how I would like to see C1 dramatically reduce their Library logic for chaps like myself that shoot primarily landscapes.


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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2022, 09:59:19 am »

CaptureOne has a concept of sessions that will probably work better for you than libraries. There are plenty of youtube videos with explanation how it works.

Personally, I switched from ACR+Photoshop to C1+Affinity Photo. It is not cheaper, but much better and easier workflow. I almost never have to use Affinity Photo.


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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2022, 03:51:33 pm »

CaptureOne has a concept of sessions that will probably work better for you than libraries. There are plenty of youtube videos with explanation how it works.

Personally, I switched from ACR+Photoshop to C1+Affinity Photo. It is not cheaper, but much better and easier workflow. I almost never have to use Affinity Photo.

Thanks  for your message, however I am aware of sessions and it does not reflect how I have structured my workflow, not even close.

Additionally, C1 does not have a way to replicate my way of working in layers - PLEASE correct me if I am wrong.
PS - open image file either and do the basics - each as separate lawyer.
Then time for B&D - Create a new lawyer with "Option" of "Mode:  Overlay", check ""Fill with Overlay-neutral color (50% gray).
Then work with brush values of Multiply to darken pixels or Screen to lighten pixels.

That one tool/technique is the most important to me and keeps me tired to PS.

Make sense?


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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2022, 10:08:28 am »

Seems you are a glutton for complexity  ;)!!!

Have you really tried Lightroom recently? Their B&W conversion is excellent and flexible, and combined with the new masking tools means fewer and fewer trips to Photoshop. And the file management is excellent. Between folders, collections, smart collections, color labels, star ratings, etc you can organize any way you want.

I have never understood the objections some folks have to Adobe's subscription model. For ~$140 a year I have the latest versions of two very powerful and useful programs. That $140 is the cost of 3 ink cartridges for my 10-ink printer. In the expensive world of high-end photography, pocket change.


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Re: Sharing - continuing my search to get rid of Adobe with one package.
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2022, 10:46:45 am »

Seems you are a glutton for complexity  ;)!!!

Have you really tried Lightroom recently? Their B&W conversion is excellent and flexible, and combined with the new masking tools means fewer and fewer trips to Photoshop. And the file management is excellent. Between folders, collections, smart collections, color labels, star ratings, etc you can organize any way you want.

I have never understood the objections some folks have to Adobe's subscription model. For ~$140 a year I have the latest versions of two very powerful and useful programs. That $140 is the cost of 3 ink cartridges for my 10-ink printer. In the expensive world of high-end photography, pocket change.

A matter of taste and workflow.  For my workflow I could get all I need done with PS from years ago.
I prefer the one time purchase as I started back in 2005 and up graded only as I saw a tool that I need they added.  |

As to light room, not my cup of tea but you are welcome to enjoy yours.
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