I counted 19 knobs on that thing … vs 6 knobs on my Arca Swiss M2. Just sayin’

(And yes, I do understand the difference in movements, and I also do applaud Cambo for laying out a new view camera. but still … 19 knobs ?
Actually there are 20 knobs, not 19! But 11 of them are friction control, all on the left side of the camera. An advantage for the self locking gearing of the Arca Swiss view cameras is the lack of knobs. To be fair, the Cambo MV has more movement options than the Arca Swiss M2, so counting only movement control knobs, the score is more like 9 to 6.
But view cameras are complex devices with many different aspects and features and a decision on which is best for one's use is rarely a simple determination. I come from a Sinar background, and yet, the Arca Swiss has been a favorite view camera of mine for years. The Actus product line was a substantial development in terms of bringing view cameras back to the masses (relatively), due to their small size, modest price, and ability to use with many cameras and lenses.
Vive la dif·fé·rence!
Steve Hendrix/CI