...If you are who I think you are...
I'm not.
then I understand why you champion P1.
I don't. Your suggestion that I do may amuse some with whom I've had past discussions on this forum. Phase One hardware or Capture One software have never held any appeal for
my needs and preferences, though I can readily see why they have appeal and are the choice of others for
their use and preferences. In the same way, I can see the unique virtues and attraction of what Pentax, Fuji, Leica, and Hasselblad offer to users of their medium format systems.
Starting from the 4 megapixel Leaf DCB II thru the 400 megapixel Hasselblad H6D-400c, I have been using multi-shot systems. My abbreviated digital capture progression being multi-shot platforms from: Leaf to Sinar to Imacon to Hasselblad combined with Hasselblad V or H bodies or Sinar p2/p3 cameras over the course of the past 25 years. There was some significant time spent, in the early years, with Kodak DCS cameras and a back. I also spent some months, along the way, using a Phase One camera, back, and software. But for me, the majority of my time has been spent with a multi-shot system and that has been and remains my personal preference. I've also found the Hasselblad HTS 1.5 tilt/shift adapter to be quite useful for some of my needs. I can tell you that every digital road I've traveled has had curves and potholes, but the more tightly integrated systems have had smoother pavement.
As some others may know, I've pushed back against what I've perceived as misconceptions or misinformation regarding the Hasselblad H3D/H4D/H5D/H6D system and its evolution from time to time on this forum. My perceptions and personal preferences aside, I have been consistent in supporting the value and usefulness of the overwhelming majority of product options offered from almost any manufacturer. I'm all for having options to choose from and the more different and distinct those are the happier it will make me.
So, it is with humble gratitude I wish to thank
all of the manufacturers that have survived so far, in the digital age and arena, to give me all of the great options that I have today. I'm quite sure that it has been a very difficult road for each of them including many difficult decisions. One other thing of which I'm fairly certain, however, is that whatever it is we rely on and enjoy using today is eventually going to be discontinued due to changes in the marketplace of consumer demand and the financial realities which always seem to insert themselves into the lasting enjoyment of life's pleasures.
Like everyone else, I have personal preferences and priorities regarding the features and capabilities of the equipment that I choose to use now or would like to see in the future. On the other hand, I have absolutely no expectation that any manufacturer would benefit by following a product path and evolution that satisfies my personal preferences. People are certainly free to criticize manufacturers for what they do or don't do and to speculate as to why they make those decisions. I just jump in with my perspective once in awhile. I do not consider myself a champion or defender of any particular brand or product, though others may see it in a different light. Regardless of brand, where I find something that I think is either a misconception or inaccurate, I might take the time to offer my view... or I might just take a pass, as there is only so much time and there is
so much internet!