I have too much time for thinking! I have Fuji X-series cameras (X-T3 and X-T4), an Apple Mac M1 24" desktop, and a Canon Pro 300 pigment printer. I use Lightroom Classic and occasionally Photoshop (the latest versions) and for my printer I sometimes use Canon's Professional print and layout. I use the generic profile for my printer from the paper manufacturer for each of the papers I have. I always shoot RAW. I confess that I have not profiled my Apple screen, having had it 7 months.
I understand that Camera RAW uses Prophoto and understand why, but have several questions.
How do the colour gamuts of my cameras compare with the 3 colour systems above?
I have historic RAW images in my LR catalogue that were taken up to 18 years ago, e.g with my first digital camera, a Canon 10D, and therefore imported originally into probably LR2. Others taken in the intervening years came into successive Lightrooms having been taken with better and better cameras. How will the latest LR Classic handle these? If I ensure they are handled now under the current process, will they be handled using Prophoto?
I understand that no printer or paper will cope with Prophoto, hence the need to soft proof, which I do. But how do I know what my printer and papers are using? Are my images being rendered in Adobe RGB or SRGB?
Can anyone clear the fog of incomprehension?
Best wishes,