I recently did a test of three backs, a CCD Credo 60, a IQ3100, and a Hassy CFVII 50c - comparing 60mb, 100mb, and 50mb backs of three generations.
The findings were interesting -
- the older CCD at base ISO was not only competitive, but a bit nicer;
- the two CMOS backs at ISO 800 compared nicely to the CCD back at base ISO
- interestingly, the 50mb in the Hassy back held up quite well against the 100mb in the slightly older Phase One.
- the two CMOS backs held up well even at ISO 1600.
- There was no issue with shifting the backs 15mm (vertical, landscape orientation), with a 60mmXL. The Hassy handled 18mm of shift fine (to match the field of view of the larger backs).
Of course, the field of view with the IQ100 and the Credo 60 were larger.
In short, all three are fine - the IQ3100 probably the most flexible, the Hassy quite surprising in its capabilities (tuning the older sensor) and the CCD still great at base ISO.