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Author Topic: Backblaze - ever get 14 or 28 day warning emails when you know they're wrong?  (Read 3136 times)


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I'm getting tired of these emails from Backblaze (Backup will be removed) stating that I haven't backed up in X number of days, when I know that I have done so, and that my backup risks being erased.

Could it be something in my settings?

A tad annoying.

For what it's worth, I backup from an external drive which is usually turned off. I turn it on about once a week to transfer files and then backup to BB from there.



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  • Andrew Rodney

There is a preference to be alerted if there isn't a backup in X number of days.
You might log into your account via the web and double-check and if indeed, it is backing up, go into the preferences, Settings and check (inable, disable, inable?) Warm me when not backed up for X days (dropdown menu).
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