Thank you all for the comments on the SF profile! I might ask them for a refund on that license since it's poor, although the scanner cal license was useful. For the V550 scanner, the average delta-e was 0.6 on an 856 patch target, just as info.
I'll look for someone or a service to make a custom profile for me. It will then be interesting to how well the photo prints, and how the profile compares to Epson's version.
One problem with printer test files is the lack of a physical reference on what they should look like. It might print with a smooth gradient but not the particular shade of colour that it should have. To partly solve that I've ordered my print, a colorchecker grid, and the Outback test photo printed from two separate pro services who will print the files "as-is", no adjustments. Of course their printer and inks are likely different than mine, but still useful.