These are two different things which shouldn't be mixed:
1. NFT provides an authenticity certificate for an item.
2. Copyright for an artwork is owned by the original artist. Reproduction rights from such artwork are subject to a licence, similar to stock photography licence. One-time use, special licence to cover certain uses or royalty-free unlimited licence. In special circumstances an arrangement can be made to purchase or transfer a copyright.
What is the intrinsic value of an NFT other than to sell it for a higher price if you can get it?
1. What value is an authenticity certificate to the buyer? Years ago, a company used to sell stars in the heavens. They would send you an authenticity certificate in your name guaranteeing it was yours. What's the point? For ten or twenty bucks, it was a cute gimmick, a conversation piece. But what did you really own?
2. If the NFT does not come with the rights to print it or sell it, what do you own? Nothing. It's like the aforementioned star. So what is the standard arrangement the buyer gets with most NFT's that are sold? At least when I buy a photo, I get one copy. I may not have the copyright or rights to make others. But I can hang that one photo on the wall. How do you hang an NFT?