I am very grateful to the indefatigable Dan Wells and his meticulous coverage of new cameras and lenses as well as much else but I’ll join others in suggesting that some of his articles might be more effective if run in two or three separate posts. Less chance of spoiling what he has to say because after a while attention wanders ...
I wonder if there is also scope to step back from new gear and look instead at older gear that someone might buy for no other reason than that it gives them great pleasure. Examples might be a Pentax DSLR over a Nikon D850 or a Fujifilm GSX 50S over the latest and greatest, and of course there are a host of wonderful choices for film photography and among older classic lenses. It’s all about rich experience, buy what you love, shoot what you love. A welcome alternative to the world of YouTube barkers are gearhead comparison charts. And given that there is a vast pool of secondhand kit these days, why would someone not jump in?
Finally, I’ve noticed quite a bit of attention being paid to the future of conventional gallery and museum exhibitions and the alternatives in the time of online and pandemics. This then feeds through to what art photography really means these days, how it is displayed, and how it sits in contemporary culture. See the upcoming talks here for example (the only connection is that I am a member so I receive their newsletters):
thephotographersgallery.org.uk. I wonder if there is an article in this? Similar conversations must be taking place over film/video and cinema, etc. Things are changing!