Why do you keep harping about a non-event that almost no one cares about? I hope Biden does something else dumb soon so I don't have to keep hearing about how poor Tesla was offended. While we're on the subject, is there any reason why Tesla insists on using their own charging plug design?
You keep calling it playing politics, but I'm confused. Why would Biden consider it to be in his interest to slight Tesla? Did Musk refuse to contribute to his campaign or something?
Just to expand on my point about union GM vs. non-union Tesla, and why it;s such a big issue, you have to look at the recently passed infrastructure bill. All US government contracts must comply with the David-Bacon Act. This requires workers to get paid the "prevailing wage" for the area the work is being done. Prevailing wages are pegged at union wages and benefits. So if you bid on and get a government contract, you have to pay your employees union wages and benefits even though they aren't in a union and your company isn't unionized.
So the whole infrastructure bill is a giveaway to the unions by Biden just as Obama gave billions to them when the government bailed out GM and the union pension plan in 2009. Kodak Alaris should have been as lucky as the UAW. So the new infrastructure bill is more, much more, of the same.
So if you're a non-union shop, you either raise every employee's wages to union levels or become a union too. For the poor taxpayer, their dollar doesn't buy so much because the costs are artificially raised due to higher wage levels. That's why Biden always says "...good, high, union paid jobs..."
When I worked for the NYC government, they had the same prevailing wage laws. To give you an idea of what it costs, see this schedule from the NYC Comptrollers Office of what a union journeyman plumber earns. Who needs college? Why get a master's or doctorate?
It costs a NYC contractor $111 an hour!!! 30% and 50% more for shift work at night, Double the cost for holiday, Saturday and Sunday overtime. How'd you like to earn in pay and benefits $200,000 a year to install toilets? 30% to 100% more for evening, holiday and weekend overtime?
Effective Period: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
Wage Rate per Hour: $71.25
Supplemental Benefit Rate per Hour: $39.95
Supplemental Note: Supplemental benefit contributions are to be made at the applicable overtime rates.
Plumber - Temporary Services
PUBLISH DATE: 7/1/2021 EFFECTIVE PERIOD: JULY 1, 2021 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2022 Page 70 of 89
Temporary Services - When there are no Plumbers on the job site, there may be three shifts designed to cover
the entire twenty-four hour period, including weekends if necessary, at the following rate straight time.
Effective Period: 7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022
Wage Rate per Hour: $57.08
Supplemental Benefit Rate per Hour: $31.88
Double time the regular rate after an 8 hour day.
Double time the regular time rate for Saturday.
Double time the regular rate for Sunday.
Overtime Holidays
Double time the regular rate for work on the following holiday(s).
New Year's Day
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veteran's Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Shift Rates
30% shift premium shall be paid for wages and fringe benefits for 4:00 pm and midnight shifts Monday to Friday.
50% shift premium shall be paid for wages and fringe benefits for 4:00 pm and midnight shift work performed on
weekends. For shift work on holidays, double time wages and fringe benefits shall be paid.
(Plumbers Local #1)