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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11180 on: September 06, 2021, 10:38:34 am »

Looks like Americans will have to go to work after Labor Day.  This should help the economy get back on its feet. 
Clearly you've again ignored the facts and in this case, the metric for a 'good economy' Trump used: the stock market. You  are obviously unable to decipher how that market has done since Trump lost the last election. And yes, he lost, bigly.  ;D
Hammers are not very well versed on the US economy. Some don't even know nails!
Author "Color Management for Photographers".

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11181 on: September 06, 2021, 10:52:45 am »

Clearly you've again ignored the facts and in this case, the metric for a 'good economy' Trump used: the stock market. You  are obviously unable to decipher how that market has done since Trump lost the last election. And yes, he lost, bigly.  ;D
Hammers are not very well versed on the US economy. Some don't even know nails!
The market isn't the economy.  It's mainly based, unfortunately, on Fed printing.  Real estate too.  Everything is in a bubble.  When it pops, watch out.


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11182 on: September 06, 2021, 11:27:19 am »

The market isn't the economy.
Did you tell Trump that fact? Even when (shock) he lied like a Nazi about it?

Trump boasts about 'biggest Stock Market increase since 1974' one day after the number of jobless Americans topped 16 million

Everyone assumes the economy is going to be a big plus for Donald Trump in November’s election. The president himself started his State of the Union speech on Tuesday evening with the ridiculous claim that the U.S. economy is better than ever.
Of course you didn't. Hammer's don't understand the economy or accept Trumps nonessential rubbish.

Everything is in a bubble. 
Dumb hammer, bad hammer, dumb hammer in his bubble 😘
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11183 on: September 06, 2021, 11:28:38 am »


There's that other extraordinary talent often on display—the ability to lay claim to fantasy victimhood faster than a hammer can hit the ground.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 12:30:32 pm by TechTalk »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11184 on: September 06, 2021, 11:41:07 am »

Everything is in a bubble.  When it pops, watch out.

Finally! Some honest self-reflection.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11185 on: September 06, 2021, 01:26:33 pm »

Looks like Americans will have to go to work after Labor Day.  This should help the economy get back on its feet. 

Millions of Americans lose jobless benefits as federal aid expires, leading families onto uncertain path

The way you phrased that, you seem to believe that it was because of some government assistance that people were deliberately not looking for work. Other than gut feel, is there any reason for you to believe that was the case?


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11186 on: September 06, 2021, 01:51:46 pm »

Quite a few people both in USA and in Canada choose easy unemployment money instead of applying for "unglamorous" jobs.

“We’ve had quite a few people tell us blatantly that they’re getting enough money in stimulus checks and unemployment that they’d rather not work,”
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 10:58:17 pm by LesPalenik »

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11187 on: September 06, 2021, 03:52:09 pm »

Did you tell Trump that fact? Even when (shock) he lied like a Nazi about it?
Of course you didn't. Hammer's don't understand the economy or accept Trumps nonessential rubbish.
Dumb hammer, bad hammer, dumb hammer in his bubble 😘
Who's defending Trump?  I never have when it comes to deficit spending. He's a spendthrift like all the Dems too.  The fact is both parties love spending too much especially with our money or money the Fed prints which is also our money when translated to higher prices due to inflation. 

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11188 on: September 06, 2021, 03:53:50 pm »

Finally! Some honest self-reflection.
You couldn't help yourself with a personal attack, could you? 


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11189 on: September 06, 2021, 03:59:52 pm »

Who's defending Trump?
This hammer (you):
Hillary wrote these people off as deplorables.  Trump is at least trying.  He eliminated at lot of regulation on coal which is helping the industry expand.  He pulled out of Paris giving a boost to the coal industry.  There's more coal exports.  Coal production is up 10% over last year.  The economy is better.  GDP % is the highest it's been in a long time.  Stock market is up 35%.
But the evidence is that things are better in America.  The stock market is up, GDP growth is up, and  unemployment is down to the lowest in decades, the lowest unemployment ever for Blacks.  ISIS is gone for the most part.  You never read about them any more in the papers.  Taxes are reduced for most people.  We're talking about immigration although it isn't solved yet.  Stopping illegal immigration will help poor Americans get jobs or better paying jobs.  We're trying to restore free and fair trade which will help Americans retain jobs and help American businesses.  Of course, there's going to be a lot of disruption until that's settled.   War with North Korea is on the back burner and we're talking to them.  We're trying to get NATO nations to pay up what they're suppose too which will strengthen NATO and put more money into American's pockets.  Justices are being appointed to the supreme court who's decisions will reflect what the constitution says and not what their personal beliefs are. 

If you hate Trump no matter what, you'll never be able to see these things.
You are entitled to have an opinion. I am just letting you know that it is stupid.
And your posting memory requires something like this:
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 04:04:12 pm by digitaldog »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11190 on: September 06, 2021, 04:00:50 pm »

Finally! Some honest self-reflection.
Followed by confusion:
You couldn't help yourself with a personal attack, could you?
Seems like a huge compliment to me sir.
Author "Color Management for Photographers".

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11191 on: September 06, 2021, 04:21:37 pm »

The way you phrased that, you seem to believe that it was because of some government assistance that people were deliberately not looking for work. Other than gut feel, is there any reason for you to believe that was the case?
See Les's post above.  He reflects the reality of the situation.  Why work when the government is giving you money?  Problem is that all the good jobs will be gone now to people who refused to rely on handouts and went after the better jobs earlier. Now, the rest of the people will be competing for all the dregs of jobs left over, all at lower salaries than were offered before.  No more signup bonuses or payments for interviews. 

Alan Klein

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11192 on: September 06, 2021, 04:22:31 pm »

Followed by confusion: Seems like a huge compliment to me sir.
He's learning bad things from you.  :)


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11193 on: September 06, 2021, 04:26:09 pm »

He's learning bad things from you.  :)
No, you simply can't learn from others here. What you haven’t ever grasped Alan is that with your (thus far, 13877 posts), few if anyone take you seriously. Be it about Trump, politics, the economy or basics of resolution. It takes several members here hours, nearly a full time job, to fact check and dismiss your writings. Even ‘mini-hammer’ Frans after getting this treatment will run off with his tail between his legs for a few weeks before soiling the carpet here again, a tactic you might consider.
There must be some forum you can find where ‘like minded’ (being kind) hammers living in their bubble; fact deniers that can get together and find common respect for this*. It isn’t here sir.
*“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Martin Luther King
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11194 on: September 06, 2021, 04:29:19 pm »

You couldn't help yourself with a personal attack, could you?

I quoted you *verbatim. A habit you might consider adopting.

Considering how uncannily fast you are at donning the victim cloak, have you ever considered putting together a quick change artist stage act? They seem to be well received on those TV talent shows.

* verbatim [ ver-bey-tim ]: adverb - in exactly the same words
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11195 on: September 06, 2021, 04:35:25 pm »

Why work when the government is giving you money?
Alan of little evidence..... Lots of assumptions!
U.S. states ending federal unemployment benefit saw no clear job gains
State-level jobs data released earlier this month show that in the 26 states stopping benefits early an additional 174,000 people joined the labor force in June, by either taking jobs or beginning work searches, compared to 47,000 in the other states.

While that may indicate the withdrawal of benefits is having some of the impact intended by the governors who cut off the stipend, and causing more people to seek employment, the numbers are small in a national labor force of 161 million and come with a cautionary note: Job gains in both groups of states were roughly the same.
Goldman Sachs economists also found little evidence yet that the cessation of benefits across a group of mostly Republican-led states was having much impact on labor markets that continue to puzzle Federal Reserve and other officials.
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11196 on: September 06, 2021, 05:21:21 pm »

Quite a few people botgh in USA and in Canada choose easy unemployment money instead of applying for "unglamorous" jobs.

“We’ve had quite a few people tell us blatantly that they’re getting enough money in stimulus checks and unemployment that they’d rather not work,” [guest editorial opinion by Catherine Mortensen, Vice President of Communications for Americans for Limited Government]

How many is quite a few? Is it more than "many people say" or "a lot of people tell me"? I'm wondering how it compares to the number concerned about working jobs in restaurants (and other service jobs) which may require coming into close proximity with patrons who refuse to wear masks, some of whom like to make a show out of their refusal. I ask because personal anecdotes, from restaurant owners in Florida, were the focus of the the first several paragraphs in the opinion piece by Catherine Mortensen to which you linked.

Then again, using personal stories to sell a political agenda is the self-professed modus operandi of Catherine Mortensen; who, until a year ago had been employed as a spokesperson for the NRA for several years. Now she works as the VP of Communications for the Libertarian organization Americans for Limited Government. She's been a full-time political operative pushing an antigovernment agenda for years. Fortunately for Catherine, her full-time job doesn't require any close interaction with a stream of customers on a daily basis. So, she's pretty safe as it relates to the pandemic and employment. That should substantially lessen any concern she might have about being exposed to the virus and bringing it home to her family.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2021, 05:35:44 pm by TechTalk »
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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11197 on: September 06, 2021, 05:27:07 pm »

That's actually funny Peter.  I suppose we could say the same thing about Biden.  :)

And you could say the sun rises in the west also. Or have you already done that?


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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11198 on: September 07, 2021, 12:56:31 pm » [guest editorial opinion by Catherine Mortensen, Vice President of Communications for Americans for Limited Government]

How many is quite a few? Is it more than "many people say" or "a lot of people tell me"? I'm wondering how it compares to the number concerned about working jobs in restaurants (and other service jobs) which may require coming into close proximity with patrons who refuse to wear masks, some of whom like to make a show out of their refusal. I ask because personal anecdotes, from restaurant owners in Florida, were the focus of the the first several paragraphs in the opinion piece by Catherine Mortensen to which you linked.

I don't know the absolute numbers, but I'm reading more articles about the employers not being able to fill the vacant positions than about unemployed not being able to find a job.

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Re: Bear Pit: now the sole domicile of politics at LuLa
« Reply #11199 on: September 07, 2021, 01:32:03 pm »

I don't know the absolute numbers, but I'm reading more articles about the employers not being able to fill the vacant positions than about unemployed not being able to find a job.

Supply and demand would then require that they offer higher salaries to attract the talent, shouldn't it?
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