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Author Topic: Error Messages  (Read 616 times)


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Error Messages
« on: October 27, 2020, 11:38:35 pm »

A while back (pre-Covid), I had a computer built, one of the components being an AMD Ryzen processor with integrated Graphics card. The build was middle of the road and was intended for running Photoshop and other editing programs. The staff member assured me it would suffice for the intended purpose.

Recently, I upgraded to an MSI GeForce RTX 2060 Graphics Card, which was installed by the same seller (in anticipation of upgrading from CS6). I expressly asked about the interaction, or lack thereof, between the 2 gpu's and was advised the system would ignore the integrated and use the stand-alone.

Everything ran well (for a couple months) until, upon turning the computer on, I received 2 messages "No ADL Load", followed by "No AMD graphics driver is installed, or the AMD driver is not functioning properly. Please install the AMD driver appropriate for your AMD hardware."

I could click "OK" for both messages, they would disappear and I could carry on. However, these messages now appear each time on start-up.

I have (repeatedly) downloaded the latest drivers for all components, but the messages continue to re-appear on start-up.

A Net query of these messages result in a single entry in which a poster advises this is as a result of a conflict between the stand-alone gpu and the integrated card. But no solution was offered.

The seller has closed shop (a reputable entity and I suspect Covid played a role), and I have tried contacting the manufacturer, so far without success.

Two questions -

1. Any idea how to solve this issue?

2. Is there a chance, in spite of the messages, that the stand-alone gpu is actually being used? And if this is possible, how do I determine if it is, and, although a bit of a pain, can I just click oK and ignore these messages? I checked via the Control Panel and all indications are the computer recognizes the gpu but as I am not computer savvy, I am not 100% on that.

Any help would be appreciated.




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Re: Error Messages
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2020, 10:08:50 am »

The BIOS usually has a setting that gives a choice of "use IGU, disable IGU, or AUTO select" . It may also have an option of which order to try (IGU first, PCIe card first, etc).

It is likely set to "auto" and performing as expected unless there is something physically wrong with the RTX card or the PCIe port is it plugged into.

When do you get the message - after the system is starting Windows or before during the BIOS booting ?
i expect it is after you see the splash screen of windows starting.

Win 10 or Win 7 ? PRO or HOME version ?

Go into Device manager and look at the entries for Graphics. if i remember correctly, you likely only see an entry for the RTX. If there is a yellow or red mark by it, then windows had an issue loading the drivers.  i would download the latest WHQL drivers from AMD for that card (should be a utility - AMD experience ?) and let it install/update the driver, reboot, and see if that fixes the issue.


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Re: Error Messages
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2020, 03:13:39 pm »

What Degrub says. Disable IGU in the BIOS.



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Re: Error Messages
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2020, 08:30:12 pm »

degrub and jaap,

Thanks for the replies.

As I am unfamiliar with under the hood stuff, much of what you said, for me, is a bit over my head, but I should be able to muddle my way through your suggestions.

Win 10, Home edition and the messages come up after I see the splash screen.

What's weird (beside the messages themselves) is the messages started appearing after a couple months using this setup.

Anyway, thanks for the help.



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Re: Error Messages
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2020, 10:18:11 pm »

about the same time as a Win 10 update ?
If so, i would update the AMD drivers using the AMD website and NOT the Microsoft update.

Get the BIOS manual for your motherboard. It will be available for download from the MB manufacturer website.

usually rapidly hitting the delete key during the initial boot (right as you see a screen flicker) before the WIN splash will take you to the BIOS screen. You may have to go to a "detailed" view to get to the IGU disable screen option.

If you are unsure of what you changed in the BIOS, just use the "exit without saving option" and reboot.
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