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Author Topic: Help me get started with Capture One  (Read 724 times)


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Help me get started with Capture One
« on: October 11, 2020, 01:41:22 am »

TL;DR: I'd like to move to Capture One .  I'd like however to preserve my current year/month/day drive organization.  Can I do this?  I watched and read various materials about catalogs vs. sessions but I am still confused. 

More details:  I am an amateur but over the years I used many cameras and many softwares so at this point I have about  2TB of photos organized as year/month/day on my PC. For each day I have a mixture of raws (of different types), some with XMP sidecars, plus jpegs and sometimes tiffs all using the original file name.   Most of the photos are travel, family, etc so I do not have any complex search needs -- If I need to retrieve anything, I just figure out when that was and scan the photos visually.   I have some manually added metadata, preserving it would be nice but it is not a huge priority. 

I'd like to move to C1 since my "serious"  cameras today are Fuji-X for which C1 seems the best bet. 
Everything is backed both locally on my NAS and in the cloud.   I have plenty of storage and processing power, I am not morally opposed to software buying or subscribing :-),  I have everything on SSD, I can write scripts, so all these are not  considerations.    I realize that I can have any other physical organization and I can always view my photos by date, but my simple organization helps deal with near duplicate, different softwares, validating backups, etc. 
So my question is:  is it possible to adopt C1 as my primary processing software while keeping my simple organization above?   How would I do this?   Philosophically I would prefer sessions, rather than a catalog of everything -- I like the idea that "sources", "recipes", "results" are all together, and I want to keep open the possibility to  use a different software to produce or post-edit some jpegs but if a catalog (or several catalogs) are a better idea so be it.  

Any help much appreciated! -- Red. 


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Re: Help me get started with Capture One
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2020, 02:49:27 pm »

I can write scripts

I use the following (Z: - location of my 16Gb RAM disk from, "C:\Program Files\Phase One\C1.20" - location of a dummy empty session created once and stored there, nircmdc.exe - free utility to automate various things from - it allows me to use C1 just like ACR to deal with raw files one by one - I use fastrawviewer to start script for an individual raw file and keep all C1 files like .cos as sidecars near raws w/o any subfolders... hence I am free from all catalogs and sessions idiotism imposed by C1 developers


REM if no dummy C1 session exists on my RAM disk then we need to copy a blank one there
IF NOT EXIST "Z:\C1\C1.cosessiondb" xcopy /E /D /Q "C:\Program Files\Phase One\C1.20" Z:\C1\ 1> nul 2> nul

REM start C1 if it is not already running, TIMEOUT as need based on PC performance, I think 5 is just a safer value and it does not bother me as it is used just for the first C1 start
REM note - if you did run C1 & close it already after rebooting it will open with the prev raw file - no worries
FOR /F %%x IN ('tasklist /NH /FI "IMAGENAME eq CaptureOne.exe"') DO IF %%x == CaptureOne.exe goto C1RUNNING
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe
TIMEOUT 5  1> nul 2> nul

REM OK, now do the trick with links & folders
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1" mkdir "Z:%~p1" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" mkdir "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1%~nx1" mklink "Z:%~p1%~nx1" %1 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" mklink /D "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Settings130" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1OUT" mklink /D "Z:%~p1OUT" "%~dp1" 1> nul 2> nul

REM now we are ready to pass a raw file to C1 process
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe "Z:%~p1%~nx1"

IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache\Proxies\%~nx1.cof" GOTO LOOP1
IF NOT EXIST "Z:%~p1CaptureOne\Cache\Proxies\%~nx1.cop" GOTO LOOP2

"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\nircmdc.exe" win activate process "CaptureOne.exe" 

REM well sometimes you need to do it again :-), don't ask me why
start "C1" /B /D"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\" CaptureOne.exe "Z:%~p1%~nx1"
TIMEOUT 1  1> nul 2> nul

REM make sure C1 window is on top & maximized
"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\nircmdc.exe" win activate process "CaptureOne.exe" 
TIMEOUT 1  1> nul 2> nul
"C:\Program Files\Phase One\Capture One 20\nircmdc.exe" win max process "CaptureOne.exe" 

PS: replace Settings130 with Settings131 above if you are on the most recent version C1
« Last Edit: October 11, 2020, 02:59:40 pm by DP »
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