Whoa, someone can really hold a grudge, and/or seems on a rampage of targeted destruction!
Andrew, do you keep a diary of Frans's comments by your bedside, reading them every night, just dreaming of how you will refute them?
Jewish Alzheimer's is forgetting everything except a grudge.-Maureen LipmanThanks for the quote; I'll will certainly remember that one!
Straight out of Merriam-Webster. Definition of ad hominem:1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
You appear to confuse argumentum ad hominem with simple abuse. The two are not the same.See https://forum.luminous-landscape.com/index.php?topic=135408.msg1177003#msg1177003.Jeremy
In addition to avoiding argumentum ad hominem, this forum could do with a bit less argumentum ad nauseam.
I don't have access to a copy of Merriam-Webster, so I can't tell how selectively you are quoting or under what heading the quotation appears. You appear to confuse argumentum ad hominem with simple abuse. The two are not the same.See https://forum.luminous-landscape.com/index.php?topic=135408.msg1177003#msg1177003.Jeremy
And the chances of that happening are?
The good thing about a digital dog is that they don't bark repeatedly and incessantly at squirrels.
Do I need to add more?
You didn't in the first place but as predicted, you had to.