I have Leica M Elmar 135mm f4 that can be used on modern mirrorless digital cameras. You should be able to find one in excellent condition for less US$200, and it is super sweet. This is a very surprising lens in both quality, convenience, and price. You can find a lot of review on this lens. It's not F2, but I found with modern digital camera ISO, it really does not matter.
I also have Contax Zeiss 135mm f2.8. It's the second best 135mm I like. Zeiss normally has shallower DOF compared to Leica (with same focal length and same aperture), this one is no exception. It's DOF is more creamy than Leica 135mm Elmar when they both set to f4~f5.6.
Not 135mm, but Leica M 90mm F4 is superb too.
Be aware that sharpness is not the same as the resolution. It's like a music player. A clear and beautiful sound does not imply highest frequency response. It's about the signal to noise ratio and the transfer function.