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Author Topic: C1 20: Problem with round-trip to Photoshop CS and back to C1  (Read 724 times)


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Windows 10 x64

I exported a file from C1 and edited the PSD in PS.

Normally, I choose File/Save (actually, Ctrl/S) and the PSD pops up in the C1 film-strip with all the PS edits applied. Great.

However, for the first time ever, I first chose File/Save As first and saved a copy of the PSD to a separate folder.

Now the PSD did appear in my C1 film-strip, but without ANY of the PS edits applied to it.

I seem to have done something to screw up the path back to C1.

Can I recover this and re-save the PSD from PS so that it retains the edits back in C1?




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Re: C1 20: Problem with round-trip to Photoshop CS and back to C1
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2020, 09:44:14 am »

Your saved file is there on your HD - look for it in the "separate folder" you saved it to. When you edit an image in photo shop C1 creates the .psd file and then opens PS. If you do you work and then click save as you are creating another copy of the .psd file with your edits in it. But the original unedited .psd file stay where C1 created it.

I am not 100% sure if C1 will automatically see the file in the "separate folder" but it might without you syncing that folder manually - I forget how that works.


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Re: C1 20: Problem with round-trip to Photoshop CS and back to C1
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2020, 09:53:09 am »


I think that by using Save As instead of Save, I broke the path back to C1.

So, I now have a PSD in C1, with no PS edits applied to it.

I can do one of two things:

1. I can point C1 to the Save As folder and make it see the PSD file (with its edits) there. But, now I'm away from the original file.

2. I can drag or copy the edited PSD file from its Save As location to the folder of original images.

Both of these solutions annoy the pedant in me!  :)

I'm simply wondering if, while still in Photoshop, it's possible to fix the mistake I made and re-establish the path to C1 with edits intact? File/Save (having already used File/Save As) doesn't seem to achieve this.

Thanks again.



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Re: C1 20: Problem with round-trip to Photoshop CS and back to C1
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2020, 11:06:02 am »

Well the pendant in you made a booboo so you'll have to do something to fix it :-)

From inside PS you could Save As over top of the original .pdf file that C1 created. Then C1 would be happy and your file with the edits will be in the expected place. You still have an extra file in the "separate folder" but you can delete that from the OS before C1 finds it and then no one would ever know :-)


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Re: C1 20: Problem with round-trip to Photoshop CS and back to C1
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2020, 11:23:31 am »


That’s what I did.

Looks like you get one go at the round-trip before having to resort to long-hand (Save As).

All well now.

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