Was there a long time ago... Indeed a beautiful island!
The misty weather sometimes blocks all view; when I came there I saw nothing; next day: everything ! - as in a fairy tale.
Yes that is the Isle of Skye for you kers, one day the wind and rain will take your breath away and the next day the gobsmacking views will take your breath away.
I used to tell my workshop people, that if they'd heard of the old story that in some places on the planet you can get all four seasons in a day, well here on Skye, you can sometimes get them all in under an hour and that is why it is just so good for photography up here and why I moved here.
Nice shot by the way Hans, I would guess you were stood on the right side of the old bridge at Sligachan, next to that small reflective lochan when you took that shot. In fact every shot you show me from Skye (which are all really good BTW) I feel as though I could probably take you back to the exact blade of grass you were stood on when you took it.
