I arrived at this scene and the light was absolutely perfect, but by the time I had set my kit up, which I did as quickly as I could, a bank of low clouds had rolled across the sky and blocked out the sun and everything in front of me went totally flat and featureless. So I thought, OK, I am all set up and ready to shoot and as I could see there was another fairly big hole in the cloud just coming over the horizon, I thought I might as well wait it out, because I assumed it wouldn't be too long before it got here (Wrong!). So I stood there waiting for at least an hour and half for the light to come back, as I began kicking pebbles around and talking to the dozen or so sheep, that must have decided I was a some type of weird grey haired talking tree or something and which they could all choose to ignore as they nibbled the grass around my feet.
It was like - boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, boredom, ADRENALIN, done!