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Author Topic: Goodbye, farewell and amen  (Read 7287 times)


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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #40 on: December 30, 2019, 01:30:05 pm »

No matter how much I respect Michael and his team in days gone bye, Josh is putting his own mark on the site. For me its for the better, with a right balance between gear and Aesthetics.

The now gone site Adore Noir had this aesthetics feeling as well and so do a few other sites that care for the emotion photography is.

Lets not forget, its the eye,
brain and imagination of the photographer than makes the picture, not the equipment.

A few weeks ago I visited a local  workshop on portraits. The teacher apologised for using a Nikon D90 and a Tamron 85mm. (a 2010 consumer cam combo for those who do not dare to go below pro stuff)
The results were just amazing because of how he interacted with the models , light and clothing.

If the site continues to show me insights of others then there is plenty to distinguish it from the other sites. out there

Thanks Vidja,

Appreciate the words.
Agree - in the end it’s the human angle that finds the mark.

Compassion and wisdom are inextricably linked.


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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #41 on: January 06, 2020, 08:25:21 am »

As a couple of people have already implied I found the period immediately after Michael's death the real problem.  It destroyed the uniqueness of the site -  of course Michael was irreplaceable but there was ( to say the least ) an apparently deliberate descent into the ordinariness and shallowness of many other sites. The result of this 'interregnum' was that any new version would struggle to regain previous momentum and quality and so consequently a very different LULA has emerged which is no bad thing  -  it is certainly easily distinguishable from the generality of photographic sites and one does not need to like or appreciate everything in any publication  -  certainly not if one expects more than previous opinions and ideas merely being repeated.

I have never understood the attitude of those who feel that withholding, or withdrawing, the minute payment involved to keep LULA going is some form of significant 'statement'.   Personally I consider that money well spent if only very occasional articles inspire, educate or amuse me.  As an example I was unaware of the work of Marcus Cederberg until reading the recent LULA article recently  -  for me that article repaid my subscription several times over on it's own. Other articles I can take or leave  -  as with any intelligent thoughtful and thought-provoking publication  -  and any miserly concern for the few 'pennies' per week that LULA costs me can be easily discounted as a consequence as being repaid in full so that the others are merely freebies.

However I hope you all will allow me to wish you the season's greetings and good shooting whatever choices you may make on this, or indeed, any other matter .... and incidentally share my hope that we will all relish and encourage variety in our work and our opinions.

Exactly my feelings and thoughts, and incidentally the Marcus Cederberg article was precisely such a gold nugget as described by you, John!
Christian Spyr -

Rob C

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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2020, 11:55:05 am »

I used to be a very enthusiastic and super frequent reader of LULA, for many, many years, and I really liked Michael Reichmann's style, his charisma, personality, his commanding presence, what he covered, his known-how, etc. He and LULA were something really special.

After he passed, gradually things got worse. Taken into the wrong direction. And when Joshua took over, to be frank and honest, it got even more bland. I have not renewed. No disrespect intended towards anyone, but this site needs a life injection shot.
If the site were free again, it might pick up more traffic, because I honestly feel it's not worth my money anymore. Nothing to learn here. The last technical article was basically old news.

I might still visit this forum sometimes.

Arrive Deci.

"Arrive Deci"? Is he/she a cousin to the well-known Italian of similar sounding name?

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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2020, 02:47:05 pm »

A common woman~

Slobodan Blagojevic

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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2020, 03:32:08 pm »

"Arrive Deci"? Is he/she a cousin to the well-known Italian of similar sounding name?

Sounds like an Albanian mafia’s capo  ;)

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Re: Goodbye, farewell and amen
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2020, 10:38:35 am »

How difficult is it really to compare the metrics of different camera gear?  Exactly what artistic skill is involved? Ok, maybe some. The key to me is the linkage between gear and the resulting photography, not gear statistics per se. But there were problems with earlier LuLa coverage. Unlike some, I was not a fan of the masters series, not because the photographers didn’t have something to contribute, but because of the way questions were put in the most uninteresting and sometimes fawning way. We spent too much time in awe and too little time in depth. So I welcomed new leadership under Josh. I still visit this site for essays on the art of photography and will read gear articles now and then. I am not at all interested in brand bashing or fanboy stuff.  In fact, following the lead of the younger generation, I am renewing my acquaintance with film photography, precisely because of the limitations of the technology. And if you do not think that some great work was done in that medium, take another look.  There is little new film gear, but many enthusiastic film shooters.  And the industry survives. Check recent Kodak news releases on their film business. Ilford recently brought out a new emulsion. Etc. So, to summarize, I’ll continue reading this site, looking forward to articles exploring the art of photography and the gear that is as essential as pigment is to the painter.
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