Thanks everyone

This is perhaps yet another example of what we photographers would normally refer to as being 'Bad Light', but which turned out to be perfect light for this alternative view of the scene - in other words, if you can't get what you went there hoping to get, then try to look at what is on offer and shoot that the best way you can instead and hopefully walk away with something that might just turn out to be better than your original previsualised ideas.
I find that some of my more enjoyable (and satisfying) photography, comes about when the shot isn't easy and I have to work hard at it. You know the type of thing, when you turn up hoping for calm weather and reflections etc, but nature has decided to ruin it all with high winds and rain, then you have to stop and think and push yourself and your craft, and be willing to think 'well how am I going to shoot this and what do I need to do to get something out of it'. And that is when the magic can often happen (for me at least), when I am forced to think about every aspect of the shot, rather than just use my tried and trusted preferences - it's like trying to solve a complicated puzzle, but that when I do come up with a work around, it can often open up many different opportunities that I would never have seen otherwise, or even been looking for in the first place.
So thanks again everyone
