You built a straw man, Rob.
As for “defusing the time bomb,” the deep state, Democrats, and the media, have been attempting a slow-motion coup for two and and half years. No pasarán.
Not a straw man: simply another way of illustrating the same thing that you described.
As for "deep state" well, hasn't every state a need for something more permanent than an elected govt., that changes every so often, when the reality of the world is that
it does not act in accordance with another state's four- or five-year electoral plans, but continues apace at its own speed, which to complicate matters further, is erratic at best?
The effects of total changes of posture dependent on govt. in charge are already apparent in Israel, for example, where land-grabs are now presumed sanctioned by Big Bro USA whereas before there was at least a semblance of restraint and observance of international laws. In fact, come to think of it, Trump has taken America back to where history used to have England and France: at war or not at war, depending on which royal in England was married to whom in France. A Jewish son-in-law at the side of the US throne made all the difference. Or have you a better explanation? Or worse: is reality to be clouded, denied by the PC prohibition on calling it as it is?