The blue print of social behavior. One dominant and the other humble.
This is why the transactional analysis was developed.
That's an interesting observation. I see none of it.
What I see are two eldely women bored out of their skulls, telling one another the same old same old. I was once informed that with age, conversation is replaced by a litany of health issue recitals; experience has told me the information is broadly correct. This is preferrable to having to endure listening to fibs about beautiful women the other person once had to fight off, or of the glories of drinking too many pints on New Year's Eve. This used to be a male thing, but that may have been embraced as empowering by the distaff members of society too now, for all I know.
This has both positive as negative aspects: on the one hand, it's a wonderful substitute for mind-numbing interchanges about football or cricket, and you can depart feeling grateful for your own, often relatively minor ailments; on the negative side, much conversation is misunderstood as the ears start to deliver information not imparted by the other person's mouth. It can ruin friendships that ran on blissfully for years.