This morning ON1 released Photo RAW 2019.5 (free upgrade for existing users and free 30-day unrestricted trial available.
New features:
Dual Mode — Easily undock the Browse Module from the Edit Module, use a second display, or make sales or client presentations on a projector or TV.
Edit History — A full edit history is presented when working on photos. Each editing step is viewable, along with the ability to roll-back and compare adjustments.
Settings Applied Info — Quickly view which modules, tools and filters are applied to a photo. Double-click on a setting and jump straight to it in a non-linear fashion for further adjustments.
Selective Sync — Enhanced granularity in which settings to apply when syncing your settings (or pasting and saving a preset). Drill down and only apply a white balance adjustment. The ability to sync cropping, retouching and brush strokes between photos is also included.
Hierarchical Keywords — The master keyword list now supports nesting keywords inside of other keywords. Organize keywords as you see fit. Import a list of nested keywords from other apps like Adobe Lightroom®.
Apple® Photos® Extension Enhancements — Integration with Apple Photos now supports the full raw data, improving adjustments to tone and color. It also supports re-editable non-destructive editing and more native ON1 Photo RAW features like layers, crop, and text.
First Launch Experience — If it is your first time using ON1 Photo RAW, there are new walkthroughs to help you learn the basics.
Tool Tips — Tool tip animations improve the usability and shorten the learning curve for each tool.
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