Great image Dave, I am more used to East coast haar which is usually blanket mush. Off to Skye in 10 days time and am looking forward to some foul weather but perhaps not a weeks total rain. Ken
Good weather forecast for this coming Sunday, as in we should have had a little more fresh snow on the tops and the wind is supposed to be light at around 4mph and so the lochs will be like shiny mirrors. Although I don't know if it will last up to you getting here Ken, but I sincerely hope it does

Really beautiful image! Light is just stunning..
Thanks Guido

The worse the weather, the apt I am to go out.
The weather on the Northern Plains can get pretty extreme.
Kent in SD
I just go out whenever I feel the need to Ken, more than a few days without my fix and I am out there with my camera hunting, no matter what the weather is doing and yes I know what you mean, as we can get some really grizzly conditions up here too. But then when I look around at the scenery on a beautifully clear day, then I realise how it is all down to that grizzly weather over a few million years, that has help to make this place so amazing.

With a touch of alien character, wonderful.
Yes it is a bit freakish isn't it? And so glad you liked it

Now that is the type of image review I like

Very impressive. Anyway, fine weather makes for dull photos!
I totally agree with you there Peter and thank you so much.
