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Author Topic: Two part series annoying  (Read 4283 times)


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Two part series annoying
« on: November 05, 2006, 06:53:35 pm »

I enjoyed the interviews on issue 15....but I find it a little annoying that I have to wait until the next issue several months down the road to see the conclusion.  Would prefer a single comprehensive inteview rather than having to swallow the interview in small bites.


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Two part series annoying
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2006, 10:12:47 pm »

I don't think they are about to torpedo a good sales tactic


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Two part series annoying
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2006, 08:22:38 am »

It's about more than sales.

It takes Chris 3-4 months to edit the 2 to 2.5 hours of content in each issue. This includes sound mixing, working with the music composer, laying in the music tracks, building the DVD layout, etc. And that's including hiring a freelance editor to do some of the more basic work.

Also, if we put all of the content on some of the interview on one disk there wouldn't be room for much else. We try and provide a mix to appeal to different photographers needs and tastes.


Christopher Sanderson

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Two part series annoying
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2006, 09:25:24 am »

The segments featuring Bill Atkinson & Brooks Jensen that will be in LLVJ-16 contain _quite_ different subject matter: Bill's art photography and Brooks' printing & presentation. Other than being recorded at the same time and location with the same person, there is little cross-linkage between the segments of LLVJ-15 & LLVJ-16. So, with different subjects and limited space, the division is perfectly natural.



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Two part series annoying
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 10:10:58 am »

While I agree with Chris that it is acceptable to separate the interviews into 2 parts due to the topics. I think, IMO the problem with doing this is we might have to wait 6-7 months to see the "part 2" installments.

People are more forgiving of a regular magazine splitting a large article into multiple issues because they know in X weeks it will arrive, this is not the case with LLVJ. Magazines and Television sort of condition us to expect installments on a regular basis. The schedule of Michael and Chris more or less make it inevitable that a regular publication date cannot be guaranteed. Don't take that as a criticism of LLVJ - it is just the nature of the beast, so to speak :-)

It might be, that because of the variable publishing dates of LLVJ it is less acceptable to split a article/interview over more than one issue. Looking at the LL shop issue #14 was available on Feb 14th and #15 on Sep 29th. That is a gap of 7.5 months which would be a long time to wait to conclude a 2 part article.

Hopefully, because we already know the BA and BJ interviews concluded will be in #16, the length of time to produce the remaining content will make the gap between #15 and #16 less than between #14 and #15.

If the time between issues can be on a more "regular" 4-5 month timescale then splitting interviews would be fine.

IMO, #15 was the best yet, keep up the good work.
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