We have looked long and hard at the option of adding UPS or FedEx delivery for DVDs subsequent to the initial subscription purchase. Unfortunately, it is simply not possible with our shoppingcart software.
Chris S
[a href=\"index.php?act=findpost&pid=83210\"][{POST_SNAPBACK}][/a]
How about this as a temporary workaround (reading between the lines, I surmise that the UPS option may be added for renewals, at the time of renewal, in the not-too-distant future):
A current subscriber wanting to switch to UPS checks his/her account to see what issues are remaining, and sends an email to Steve Sauve indicating a desire to switch to UPS for the remaining 1, 2, or 3 issues. Steve replies with the additional shipping cost and an address for sending a check or credit card info to.) If the subscriber still wants to, he/she can then send a check (or credit card info), as long as there is sufficient time for it to clear before shipping of the next DVD. Steve could then maintain a manual list of those that get the UPS delivery. From the noise on the forum, I would guess that this would be a small number.
Once the UPS option is available for renewals through the shopping csrt software, this manual procedure would no longer be needed.
Just my 2C.