The Video Journals are not lessons, they don't teach you photography. They are 'video journals' - people going on trips, using new equipment, interviews with people in the industry, etc.
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That said... they are very informative and insiteful and often have very useful tips and How-To's. The digital blending [issue 6 or 7?] is a good example, as is the color management stuff, RAW workflow, printing tutorials, split ND lessons, Photoshop plug in recomendations etc. the list goes on.
I would say they are an invaluable aid to someone learning about photography as much as the Pro who enjoys the travel segments.
As for where to start - it doesnt matter as in the majority they are not sequential. Start anywhere as I gurantee you watch each edition at least 6 times anyway
Personally I started with issue 14 and just worked my way backwards - but you could just as easily start anywhere. Have a look at the sample clips on the website and start with an issue that looks interesting and informative to you.
Hint - order one to 'suck it and see'. But... when you decide you love it [and you will] just buy the rest in one hit - its cheaper as Michael offers deals on the whole package on his website.
Enjoy - its brilliant educational, informative and entertaining viewing for the novice or Pro.