I thank you all for your kind replies, though I must tell you people you are making my decision quite tough...
Curiously enough, In Mr. Reichman´s initial review of the 1Ds he did state that the camera had virtually NO NOISE,(NADA,ZERO,ZIP,NONE) at low ISOs (100,200,400) and very aceptable-usable at 800 and even 1600...
A lot of discussion happened during the years the 1Ds was Canon´s flag-ship regarding noise and banding and very oposed opinions could be read elsewhere..a lot of people claming it was just "noise in the web" and other people claming they were real issues...
Truth is plenty of pros. worked and earned a living with it(and still do) with great success and superb imaginery, which only makes my decision tougher!!
Again I thank you all for your time and kindness.
All the best, Erik.