I think it is highly unlikely that phone companies will cascade top lens/sensor tech to lower end phone models. Many people buy the expensive phones because that is where the good cameras are.
I think it is unlikely that phones will replace entry level ILC, given that you can get an entry level kit (camera plus 1 or 2 lenses) for very low cost.
Well, they won't have to. The iphone 5 is still sold today at a pretty low price and I expect the iPhone 8 to drop in price significantly in September 2018 and then again in September 2019.
By that time, Huawai, HTC and Samsung will have released better offerings at a lower price with better cameras because they won't give that segment of the market to 2 years old iPhone 8.
The right comparison is not between the price of a low end DSLR and that of a smartphone. The right comparison is between the price of a DSLR and the gap btwn a 2 years old iPhone 8 competitor and the cheaper smart phone with a worse camera. Because you have to own a smartphone and it won't be that much more expensive to have one with a very good camera. And that is just the price part of the equation, but they main one is going to be convenience and availability. You have your smartphone with you 100% of the time.
The smart phone with a "good camera" ends up being perceived as delivering a better experience than the camera, even though it's image quality may be worse in some cases.
Remember, we are not talking about experts, we are talking about the 90% of the camera owners who take pictures without "being into photography".
But, even in a scenario where the entry level ILC market disappears, that would leave mid level and pro markets, where Canon still dominates, so...
I would be interested to hear where you got your data on the pro market?
Around me I don't know any single Canon shooter left. They all moved to Sony. That is in Japan. I also see more and more black lenses in sports events, it was pretty obvious at Wimbledon recently, I was too focused on the performance of Belgium to look at the world cup.
They certainly still have many pro shooters I guess, but I have never seen any data on this.