In an
attempt to go back on topic (OT: On Topic) with constructive data points (like raw files
are minimally processed, RAW
isn't an acronym for raw data), here's a short list (sorry, out of order) for
anyone who's going to build an acronym glossary for the site. These are color management specific more or less.
If you don't hear back from me in a week, or ever, I'm happily
chewing my steak.
CMS: Color Management System
WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get
LUT: Look-up Table
UCR: Under Color Removal
TRC: Tone Response Curve
TDF: Target Description File
TAC: Total Ink Coverage
RIP: Raster Image Processor
PCS: Profile Connection Space
LUX: Lumens per square meter
ICC: International Color Consortium
GCR: Gray Component Replacement
DCF: Design Rule for Camera File Systems
DAC: Digital-to-Analog Converter
OOG: Out Of Gamut
CMM: Color Matching Module or Color Matching Method
CIE: (Commission Internationale de L’Йclairage)
BPC: Black Point Compensation
ACE: Adobe Color Engine
OSD: On Screen Display
RI: Rendering Intent (place the actual RI such as Perceptual in context).
OBA: Optical Brightening Agent.
CGATS: Committee on Graphic Arts Technical Standards
CLUT: Color Look-up Table
And most importantly (just after RTFM)
in forum discussions and image processing: GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
This IMHO isn't acceptable: aRGB. The color space is called
Adobe RGB (1998). Oh and the s in sRGB is supposed to stand for
Standard, but if you ask Schewe, (and I agree) we think it stands for Small or Shitty (can I say that without getting
BANNED AGAIN?) or Satanic RGB.