I tend to agree with Andrew about this.
On the other hand, what if RAW really is an Acronym? Maybe it means Really Awful Werbiage.
You go back far enough (I started writing technical articles for PEI magazine in the early 1990's), I too used
RAW instead of
raw when discussing raw sensor data (files) but learned the mistake of doing so, unlike so many.
is one or more Acronyms but NONE have anything to do with the data cameras produce. Getting back OT, here are more than enough examples that again, have absolutely nothing to do with photography nor is there any reason to associate RAW in caps (assumed to be an Acronym or simply following the incorrect following of a few camera makers) when discussing the data a camera can produce:
RAW Read and Write
RAW Reading and Writing
RAW Robert Anton Wilson
RAW Ready and Willing
RAW Read-After-Write
RAW Rules As Written (roleplaying games)
RAW Right Angle Weave (beadwork stitch)
RaW Radio Warwick (student radio station; University of Warwick; UK)
RAW Airways Resistance (respiratory mechanics parameter)
RAW Ruderklub Am Wannsee (rowing club, Berlin, Germany)
RAW Raw Architecture Workstation
RAW Reggae Ambassadors Worldwide
RAW Remedial Action Workplan
RAW Rear Axle Weight
RAW Research & Analysis Wing
RAW Rapid American Withdrawal
RAW Revenue Anticipation Warrants
RAW Rifleman's Assault Weapon
RAW Real Action Wrestling
RAW Reconfigurable Architecture Workstation
RAW Routing and Assignment of Wavelength
RAW Risk Analyst Workbench
RAW Rosa Antifa Vienna
RAW Rutger Accounting Web
RAW Reconnaissance Attack Wing
RAW Reliability Achievement Worth
RAW Retrieval Application Website
RAW Reduction of Administrative Workload
RAW Raunchy Asian Women (play by Diana Son)
RAW Reno Alliance of Wrestlers
RAW Rapid Analytical Wargaming (US DoD)
RAW Randall & Walsh Associates (UK)