I'm going to disagree with this one.
I'm unclear what the dark processing is supposed to add other than unnatural vignetting for the lighttower. It gives the suggestion of an ominous atmosphere, but the silky clouds and sea do not support that message. There are no stormclouds gathering in the distance, there's no hint of rough sea, and although the dark processing makes the rocks look like basalt, i don't think a vulcanic eruption is imminent, or that "vulcanic" was even remotely meant to be part of the theme given the location. In that sense it seems a distinctly incongruent image.
If the vignetting is merely meant to support the point of interest, then i have two objections: the point of interest doesn't seem strong enough to justify such unnatural grading, plus, the grading seems slightly callous compared to your usual standards.
Mind you, just one opinion, it is meant as a constructive, thoughtful comment, not a critique. I also realize this is not the critique section, so if this is considered inappropriate, by all means let me know, and i'll remove my comment.