An image from a few years ago along the streets of Madrid, Spain.
Does it qualify as street?
CxC welcome, thanks for watching
Can I speak open?
This a good example of how street photography is muttered to something peoples do when they stroll the streets on holiday location.
So, yes i is candid, there is a certain interaction and it is post processed to black and white.
and I would be surprised if there was not a tweak of the micro contrast.
So according to the definitions? I let other judge.
About the picture itself, in abstraction of the question.
If it is a picture of the family of the photographer, I would leave it in color, don't try to pimp it in post process, start a Blurb book and make an enjoyable holiday book, where this picture deserves a place.
(I recognize it because I did the same, I'm not to moldy to admit, taking a bunch of photo's and then, at home, pimp the pictures to some kind of definition. At the moment of taking the pictures, I was a tourist, and at home, behind my Mac, I was 'photographer', how can I pimp a bunch of snaps to a 'photo'. It was a tremendous relief, realizing it is ok to make tourist snaps on holiday and let them be tourist snaps)
Fransisco, don't take this personal, please.
Kind regards