So why not have an "Open" section, or "General Photos" section, or "undefined", or "uncategorised" etc, etc, etc...
We used to have endless discussions (read heated arguments) in the photo club I was once a member of, about correctly categorising work for competitions etc, and in the end I put forward the idea that we should just have "Open" competitions, where anything goes and all we had to do was to comment on the validity and/or quality of each individual piece of work, not on whether it conformed to someone else's opinion on what category it should be shoe horned into, but just on the creativeness and ability shown within it.
It lasted for a little while, until some of the old guard started to feel lost and unable to focus on a specific subject, unless they were given a subject and told what to shoot, so they wanted their standard categories back and that is about the same time when I went off to do my own thing.