Just genuinely curious what caught your eye in the Mc Donald’s restaurant, for instance, or the other two in the OP?
Well, as best I remember . . .
I was eating lunch in the McDonald's outlet in the Air and Space Museum, and watching the patrons lining up to order through the viewfinder of my camera rather than reading a newspaper on my cellphone. The mother, daughter, and grandmother walked in from the museum exhibit area and stopped just beyond the entrance. When the mother and daughter simultaneously pointed at the display signs, I snapped the shutter. Lucky grab shot.
My wife and I found that little hole-in-the-wall restaurant in Kyoto while exploring the back alleys in the Gion district (I
think: I had forgotten to take my little GPS gadget with me, so I don't know for certain where I made that picture), and we decided to have an early dinner. We were almost the only patrons in the place, but the husband-and-wife owners were extremely busy preparing for what I presume they hoped would be a big evening crowd. I kept the camera on them for quite a while, waiting for a moment when the owners and the other patrons came into alignment the way I wanted. It
almost worked, but I'd be lying if I claimed that is a striking image.
Each evening while we were visiting San Miguel, we would stop at this little bakery and pick up something for breakfast the next morning. The place is very popular so there was always a long queue, but I didn't mind because I enjoyed watching the staff through a window behind the counter as they worked in the kitchen. That particular evening I had stuffed a point-and-shoot camera in my pocket rather than carry my interchangeable-lens camera because the only purpose of the walk from our hotel a couple of blocks away was to go to the bakery. I took the camera out and actually did photograph some of the baked good in the display case, then, while pretending to be chimping, made a few pictures of the bakers.
Probably more than you wanted to know, wot?