First, let me state that I like the image. Sometimes, the nature and the moment are so spectacular, that you almost can’t make a bad image out of it. I think you did very well compositionally, with the choice of the foreground and background. The complexity of details and saturation remind me of Asian drawings or paintings. I think that one of our forum friends, shadowblade, argued at some point that the Asian market prefers saturated images. Whether it is over or just right, is a matter of taste, of course, but I do not find your rendering objectionable.
Now, nitpicks. The blob. Softer branches at the very top (as much as I can judge on my iPad). Since I was using iPad, it by default cropped the image to its native ratio (4:3) and it allowed me to easily test what to crop, if any.
So, my suggestions: crop the top. It eliminated the softer branches, and makes the blob much less prominent and much more balanced in the final composition. As for the lower part, I would experiment with dimming it slightly, which would automatically reduce, again slightly, the saturation, and lead the eye toward the mountains.
Pardon me for butchering your image, but just to illustrate the iPad crop suggestion, this is screenshot of it: