Do your moderator's duty and lock this thread. OP question has be asked and answered. Everything is now spiraling out of control!!!!!
I absolutely disagree! Locking threads (deleting them) should be a last case scenario; someone yelling
fire in a crowed theater. I'm not sure it is even a moderators duty to lock a thread at least without asking the OP (Doug in this case) who can lock it anytime he wants. IF you find this is out of order, you can stop receiving notifications. Further, speaking for the OP and suggesting his question is answered has little merit IMHO. Plus, we should give Tim an opportunity at the very least to answer the question asked by Stephen in
post #55. Doubt that will happen but give him the opportunity. More critically, there is large potential for future posts on topic and based on sound testing and understanding of this topic from others.
IF you like forums where posts are locked and deleted, LuLa isn't your place; the DP Review forums are a perfect location for this kind of censorship!
Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.” ― Mark Twain