As your usual: uncanning composition, optical quality (also at these dimensions, I imagine larger....), masterful tone/colours management in editing work. Ever a pleasure to see.
Thank you very much indeed Sandro for your comment, much appreciated, I am glad you enjoyed it
Breathtaking, as usual… The foreground looks like liquid metal.
Thank you very much indeed Francois, you are right bout the foreground, it has a liquid metal quality to it

I'm amazed that you get consistently excellent images while teaching workshops.
I remember that Minor White found it hard to take photographs while teaching, so when not teaching he took trips to favorite photo locations to do his own work, undistracted by students.
Thank you very much Eric, that is much appreciated indeed - I totally see Minor White's point about teaching, and I love to work alone as well of course

That said, however, for me Workshops are an extremely inspiring time: somehow, working compositions with my Workshop's participants helps me seeing things in a different way, and I find that very stimulating for my creativity - sort of I want to give my best mind to them, and therefore I am able to create some of my best work at the same time. Plus, I keep my group size to a maximum of three, to be able to concentrate on the teaching and on each participant, and that probably helps in allowing me to find the time to squeeze a couple of frames here and there during a Workshop as well...

Best regards,